Accessibility Guidelines
Effective Date: March 15, 2011
To accommodate mobility disabled persons:
Mobility Devices
- Wheelchairs and other mobility devices built specifically for disabilities are permitted.
Other personal assistance mobility devices, not specifically designed for disabilities, may be used provided:
- Any electric propulsion device must not exceed 30 inches in width, including two or three wheeled electronic personal assistance mobility devices such as the Segway.
- No other power driven devices may be used, including but not limited to any gas or similarly powered combustible fuel devices, ATVs, motorcycles, guest golf cards, go-karts, or dirt bikes.
All mobility devices, regardless of whether the device is a power-driven or non-power driven device must:
- Maintain a maximum path speed of no greater than a walking pace of two (2) miles per hour.
- Remain in control at all times and must exercise caution when turning corners and entering or exiting exhibit areas.
Validation of Mobility Disability
Persons with a mobility disability may show a valid, State-issued, disability parking placard or card, or other State-issued proof of disability that has been issued to them, or they may state that they are using the mobility device due to a mobility disability. Representatives of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum may not ask about the nature and extent of the individual's disability. Department of Justice ADA regulations also add that the claim of a mobility disability must be considered valid as long as it is not contradicted by observable fact.
Questions concerning these Guidelines should be directed to the above address or by e-mail at